I’m Austin, a Computer Science student at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Between my self-taught computer knowledge and what I’ve learned in college, I have quite a bit of experience under my belt:
[visitor@portfolio ~]$ cat index.md
Skills & Proficiencies
Programming Languages
- Proficient: C, C# (.NET, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ), JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Erlang
- Familiar: Assembly (ARM, x86_64), Bash scripts, C++, Clojure, Go, Java, Lua, Rust, SQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
Web: Basic frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), ASP.NET Core (Razor Pages, MVC, APIs), Postman, Cloudflare, WordPress/Wix editing and management
Other programming software: Git (command line), GitHub, Azure DevOps (Boards, Repos), Jira, Monday, Jupyter Notebook (Google Colab, Kaggle), Linux & Windows command lines (Bash, PowerShell), Vim, GDB
- IDEs used: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Professional (the purple one), JetBrains (Rider, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.), STM32CubeIDE (fork of Eclipse), Arduino IDE
Programming Projects
- Visual JSON Editor: VS Code extension providing a custom GUI (webview) for editing & visualizing JSON files
- TypeScript frontend and backend
- College senior project
- matrixOS: CLI for displaying images & animated GIFs on RGB LED matrix panels
- Powered by a Teensy 4.0 with C code and the SmartMatrix library
- Final group project for Embedded Systems class
- Bad MSP432!!: Bad Apple!! compressed to under 256K and playing on a Texas Instruments ARM dev board
- Python script to convert video frames, C code to play the video on a small LCD
- Final project for Microprocessor-based System Design class
- Bullet Heck!: My high school senior project, a horizontal scrolling space shooter game
- Python 3 with Pygame library
B.S. in Computer Science at Brigham Young University-Idaho
- GPA: 4.0
- Embedded Systems & Quality Assurance Certificates
- January 2019 - December 2024 (deferred enrollment 2020-2022 for church service mission)
Work Experience
IT Intern (Customer Pillar) at Melaleuca - May-Aug 2024
- Rewrote a few legacy Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) codebases as more modern ASP.NET Core microservices
- Primarily CRUD tasks - translated SQL stored procedures to LINQ queries
- Took on other, smaller bug fixes & tech debt tasks as assigned
Teaching Assistant at BYU-Idaho - April 2023-April 2024
- Offered help & graded assignments for Microprocessor-based System Design (C and assembly programming for an STM32 ARM microcontroller)
- Professor especially appreciated my assistance in a semester where 45 students were enrolled
Volunteering & Less Relevant
CSE Drop-In Lab Volunteer Tutor at BYU-Idaho - Sep-Dec 2024
- Helped students with their programming assignments (when I could find the time)
Social Media & Marketing Coordinator at Palouse Habitat for Humanity - June 2020-Aug 2022
- Volunteered as an LDS service missionary June 2020-May 2022; hired part-time May-Aug 2022
- Wrote, and designed graphics for, Facebook and Instagram posts with guidance from the Development & Communications Specialist
- Staffed the Habitat Surplus Sale (now ReStore) nonprofit thrift store; taught volunteers how to use the POS system; gave support for MS Office, POS backend, and security cameras; researched/determined fair prices for items
Full-time Service Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - May 2020-May 2022
- SM/M, store staff, and occasional construction work for Palouse Habitat for Humanity - see above
- Filled curbside food orders at the Spokane, WA Bishop’s Storehouse (effectively a food bank)
- Digitized photos for the Latah County Historical Society
- Assisted with social media, events, Wix website, PC management for Family Promise of the Palouse
[visitor@portfolio ~]$ █